Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Curly Sue

I don't know if Ellie's hair will continue to be like this, but I'm hoping! Meagan's hair was curly like this and it stayed that way until she was about 7. I couldn't resist taking a few pics of Ellie before church and capturing her cute curls!

Almost 17 months


  1. What a cute curly sue! I too hope those curls stick around. They really are just so fun! I was hoping Kaylee would get curls also but I think I'm out of luck--her hair is bone straight. Oh well. P.S. Nice signature. Love that font.

  2. Yay another girly with curls! I wish Rian would sit as still as Ellie is and let me pull her hair up into a cute bow. You're adorable Ellie and you look smashing with curls. :)

    Your signature is cool and I was going to comment earlier that your blog is always so new and fresh and cute when I come to visit!

  3. Those curls are to die for! What a delightful thing that little one is :)
