Thursday, December 20, 2012


Steven sat and watched the dust motes this morning while I was cleaning the room.  He was so mesmorized and kept reaching his hands out to grab them.  "Firsts" are so much fun!

Friday, November 30, 2012

our ups man

Our UPS delivery guy is super nice. Every time he brings a package he always has a smile on his face and something nice to say. Really nice guy. I've kept him pretty busy this past week - online shopping rocks!!! He's been here multiple times this week. The only thing is, every time he comes, I've been upstairs feeding Steven and getting him down for a nap. He usually just puts our packages on our front step, knocks on the door, and walks away. But Ellie has been in the front room each time he's come, so she's fast to get the door. Being the nice guy that he is, since the door is open, he puts the packages inside. After 3 times doing this, and Ellie opening the door, I've been thinking that he probably thinks Ellie is some latch-key 4 year old kid, with no parents about. After all, the Christmas bins of decorations have been stacked up inside the front room since Sunday night when we got them out and my table has yet to get breakfast dishes cleared off before lunch.....or before the kids get home every day this week. Its been a crazy week folks. So today, I vowed to be present and accounted for.... casually putting up the Christmas decorations when he came (usually he shows up right after lunch). I scrubbed bathrooms all morning and then jumped in the shower at 10:30. I had just gotten out when I heard a knock, knock. Blast! He came early! Obviously I couldn't run down and thank him for delivering my stuff, so I opted for a nice, "Thanks!" yelled from the hallway. Sheesh. Maybe next week I'll be presentable?

Friday, November 9, 2012

a day late and a dollar short

Let's face it people....I'm behind.  Just when I think I'm almost there, my world tips (or I trip over my own two feet) and I'm scrambling to get caught up again.  Not just in blogging terms - daily life!  Laundry never stops, mouths still need to be fed (apparently Halloween candy is not considered a good meal choice), and bodies need to be bathed.  I love it, I really do, but sheesh - can't a girl catch a break?  I know I'm preaching to the choir on this one - we're all in this together!!

Here are a few pics in no particular order:

Missed a tackle and took out the trampoline spring and bar.  Ouch. 
October 2012, Tanner 6 yrs old

Steven, 8 months

Steven, Horse
Lindsay, Fairy
Ellie, Dorothy

Tanner, Luke Skywalker......minus his light saber that he couldn't find

Ahhhhh shucks he's cute!

......"now get me out of this darn thing!"

To say that Steven likes hair is putting it mildly.  The first thing he does when he gets picked up is throw his hand to the back of your neck and grab on.  Sometimes you want to scream in pain and sometimes its like this picture: gentle and soft.  What a cutie pie.

8 months old

Ellie, 4 yrs old

Friday, September 21, 2012

back to school

Summer is gone and school is back in session! 
August 2012

11 yrs (almost 12) and 6th grade
I have a middle schooler in my house!

10 yrs and 5th grade

6 1/2 yrs and 1st grade

4 yrs and Preschool

snapshots September 2012

Gosh, I'm so behind in my pictures.  BUT here are a some from the last few days.  Steven is getting too big, 6 1/2 months now, and I can't believe it! 

Tanner getting some reading done before school and Steven listening intently.

Ellie is my big helper and Steven is appreciative of all her attention......most of the time.

"I want to eat this camera!"

Saturday, August 4, 2012

thought for the day

The other day I was browsing photos I'd taken on my cell phone and found one that made me laugh all over again.  The day I took the picture I had been shopping in The Quilted Bear and saw the most perfect saying printed on a piece of wood.  I couldn't resist snapping a photo and sending it to my hubby because after all - it was all about marriage/compromise/relationship stuff.  ha ha ha.  If I was smart enough I'd know how to get it from my phone to this blog, but that requires a bit too much knowledge.  I'm seriously technology-impaired.  It's sad. Anyway, this is what it said:

"I'd agree with you but then we'd both be wrong"

So true.  So true. ;)

And I haven't posted pics of my littlest in too long.  He's getting too tend to do that. :(

 Steven at 3 1/2 months

3 1/2 months
3 1/2 months

4 1/2  months

4 1/2 months

4 months

4 1/2 months - I know its blurry, but still so cute

Monday, June 4, 2012

May 2012

May came and went in a flash!  End of year activities, birthdays, blessings, and much much more!

May 3rd was Meagan and Lindsay's piano recital.  They've worked so hard all year and performed perfectly!  We are so proud of their progress.
May 2012 Piano Recital
Meagan 11 years - Lindsay 9 years

May 6th was the day we blessed Steven.  Brad gave a beautiful blessing and Steven was adored all day long.  We are so lucky to have so many friends and family that love and support us.  We are so lucky to have them in our lives.
Steven - 2 days shy of 2 months old

The many faces of our sweet little man:

Steven David Matthews
We love you!

And May wouldn't be complete without a birthday for this sweet girl!  Ellie is 4!!! (or 18!)

She was super excited for her very own scooter

Lindsay and the rest of the 4th graders participated in a Utah History Fair.  They performed several Recorder songs and sang 3 songs about Utah.  I was lucky enough to be the piano player for them - it was such a fun experience!  Following their program, they showed off their project.  Lindsay's project was all about the Transcontinental Railroad.  She put everything together herself - we are so proud of her.

......and that was May in a nutshell.  (At least the activities that got photographed!)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Love this boy

7 weeks

I just had to add this one.  It cracks me up every time.  Oh Steven.