Monday, August 1, 2011

Tanner 2011 AYSO Spring Soccer

Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 was Tanner's first time playing soccer.  Oh boy was it hilarious to watch.  First of all, the kids just swarm around the ball, and its a miracle that the ball even moves anywhere.  Secondly, Tanner had a huge perma grin every time he was on the field.  And thirdly, I think he spent more time on the ground than he did upright.  So funny!

  Exhibit A: on the ground
(maybe a little football with his soccer?)

 He had great defending skills....but it looks a little more defense for basketball than soccer ;)

 Just about to kick a goal!

 See, I told you.....on the ground.

 His teammate and new best buddy: Derrick
They were friends from the moment they met.  So cute.


Nice work this season Bud!  I'm glad you had so much fun!


  1. I can hear his little giggle as he runs for the ball up and down the field. Oh Tanner you melt my heart with all your cuteness!

  2. I love that no matter what Tanner does, he does it with a huge grin and a giggle. Oh you've got a charmer on your hands. out!
