Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Christensen Reunion 2011, part 2

The DOOZIE game

 The second night of our reunion we played the Doozie Game.  Callie put together this game that had 7 categories and was similar to trivial pursuit.  The categories included: Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Family Tree, Scripture Power, Game Show, Anything Goes, School Days, and I Like To Move It Move It.

 Team 3 (my team - I'm taking the picture). 

 Team 2....plus my dad who didn't make it into the picture

 Team 1

 One of the challenges: the wall sit.....ouch!  Go Linds go!  She eventually beat out Brad. :)

We just couldn't muster this one.  Our challenge was to eat an entire jar of baby food. Bleh! So totally disgusting!  But Josh and Brennen put forth an A++ effort!

* * *
Saturday of our reunion was spent at the Roy Aquatic Center.  Super fun....and no pictures. ;)
That evening for our devotional we sat and listened to my parents talk about their childoods, family vacations, high school, college, dating, dance moves (go Dad, GO!!), and just fun information about them.  It was really fun and we had some good laughs!!

The night ended with the kids having a spur-of-the-moment dance party!

We have some awesome dancing genes!

And the last photo of the reunion: the awesome heart-shaped tub!


  1. I still feel bad about the baby food challenge! And remember how that heart tub shocked people...seriously a bizarre feature.

  2. Team 3 FOR LIFE! I fed Allie some spaghetti baby food yesterday and I got queasy just thinking about this challenge.
