Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Buckle's a long one

So I haven't posted in quite evidenced by this ginormous post. I guess that's what summer will do to ya!

First off, the Drive-In Movie: Toy Story 3
As soon as summer started, we made chore charts for the kids. If they completed their chores for the day they could put a sticker on their chart. Once the chart was filled up our family would go and do something fun. It took about 2 weeks for them to fill up their first chart. They decided to go to the drive-in movie...just in time for Toy Story 3!

We've got a good system all figured out. Turn the back seat around, add lots of pillows and blankets, add a few camp chairs, and of course.....the treats!!!!

Passing the time while we waited for the movie to start. It took FOREVER!!!

....but everyone had fun!

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A couple weeks later, the kids filled their second chore chart and decided to go to the Dinosaur Park in Ogden. We picked the worst day to go I think. In my opinion, the Dinosaur Park is cool, but all you're really doing is walking around and then playing on the playground. Fun, but not super awesome. The day we went just so happened to be the day they had a big fundraiser. They had those big blow-up carnival type rides there (bounce house, slide, etc) and of course, that's much cooler than just walking around. But you had to buy a ticket for each thing. I know I'm just being cheap, but c'mon, these family outings are supposed to be realitively inexpensive. And when you've got 4 kids things add up quick; so we avoided the rides as much as possible. Meag and Linds were super good about not going on the rides, but Tanner didn't get it. Thankfully, we got there at the end of the day and they started taking things down after about 45 minutes. We ended up having a really fun time and they played forever at the playground.

Just to let you know, I edited quite a few pictures.......Meagan wanted her picture taken by just about every dinosaur in the park. :)


I think the slide was a little hot!

Ohhhhh Tanner. He lives with 3 sisters, what can we say.

Meagan had a great idea.....stand under this dinosaur and pretend he's going to eat you! Cute.

These pictures make me laugh every time I look at them.

Meag's face kills me....."Uh Mom, did you get the picture yet, I can't stand here much longer."

If only I could figure out how to get that prison home......only kidding! (ok, half kidding)

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Doesn't Ellie look so sweet sleeping...
Oh yeah. Major tantrum. Threw every last thing out of her crib...I guess she showed me (or we'll just let her think she did) ;)

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Summer Tennis Lessons
Despite what it looks like in these pictures, Lindsay really enjoyed herself.

Both girls improved quite a bit. Poor Tanner was so sad that he couldn't go too.

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Bear Lake
What's a summer without going to the lake?!

The lake has gone down a bit and left behind lots of "puddles" (huge puddles I guess) separated from the lake by sand bars......a little murky, but lots lots warmer!

We always have to come back with more shells.

Eating some delicious strawberries...they were so yummy! You can kind of see the "puddle" on the far left.

This girl is cute! And full of spunk! Ellie absolutely LOVED the beach! She referred to the lake as the "big water" comparison to the "puddle".


  1. You have had such a fun and busy summer. Those dinosaur pics were hilarious but Ellie steals the show with the bottom pic of her in the life jacket. Adorable!

  2. Where do I start!? I totally forgot about tennis lessons! So glad you had pictures to share about that and your whole fun summer! Loved the picture of you and the kids at the drive-in, Tanner at the dinosaur park posing :), Meagan wanting to take a picture by every dinosaur, Ellie's tantrum, and the kids at Bear Lake! Ellie is too cute for words in that last pic. What a fun summer!

  3. I loved Tanner in teh cowboy pic at the dinosaur park. The ears were too funny! What fun summer adventures :)
