Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm starting my week off on a great note....(rolling my eyes)

I was in a hurry to get the girls ready for school and out the door and told Tanner to get dressed for preschool. I laid his clothes out for him and he never once asked for help. After the girls left, I threw a coat on Ellie, put her and Tanner in the car, and off we went to the grocery store. Of course I had forgotten we were in charge of snacks today. By the time I dropped him off at preschool and got back home (to start the laundry because I have no clean underclothes...once again), I was feeling pretty good about getting Tanner to school, without being late, and getting him a great snack: grapes and apples (his choice). When I picked him up from school and got him back in our house, I noticed something funny about his pants. Sure enough, they were on backwards. Great. It wasn't like they were sweats and could easily pass the front/backwards test, nope, they were levis. How cool to send my son to school with 2 big pockets up front, and a zipper up the rear. I'm awesome.

I guess I should've eaten breakfast.....


  1. HAHAHA! That is hilarious! What a cute kid. He was probably so proud of himself! Thanks for sharing this story, it was a great start to my day. :)

  2. lol!!! Jamie your so CUTE!!!
    cute post!

    The days of crazy mommy days....we know them all to well! :)

    hi---btw! :)

  3. ha ha!I've sent my Megan to preschool with shoes on the wrong feet (that I've put on) and backwards dresses. We've all been there!

  4. He probably liked them like that. That is pretty funny though. Sometimes the only shoes I can find for Lexi are the middle of winter with a foot of snow on the ground she is wearing sandals...oh well :)

  5. Nicely done! Ha ha ha, I'll make sure to check his pants twice this weekend. Oh Tanner...I'm sure he was so proud of a job "well done!"

  6. :) It's all good!! If this happens when he's in the 5th grade, THEN you may need to worry!

  7. LOL - that is great... It just shows we all get the things done we "need" to and other things fall between the cracks... hee hee hee..

    so fun to keep up with your family.
