Monday, January 11, 2010

Catch up and catch all...a month (or more) in review

I'm so behind and just need to get this done and checked off my list. We had a wonderful Christmas and didn't want the kids to go back to school. Surprise, I know. I was a little shocked myself at those thoughts. It was fun having everyone together and for the most part, we all got along. I love my family!

We spent the first part of the evening with Brad's side of the family. We ate dinner at Steph's house with Michael's family, and Mom and Dad. The kids had a fun time being with cousins and the food was delicious! After dinner and a program, we headed over to my family's house to visit.
Puppet show nativity

Cody accompanied the entire family in Silent was beautiful.

Christmas jammies!

The only picture I have of all 4 kids on Christmas Eve. Not the best picture: blurry and Tanner was upset (didn't want to wear his new jammies, threw a fit for about 10 minutes, and then all of a sudden (literally) he was fine with his jammies?!)

All smiles now

Lindsay and Brennen

Kaylee, Ellie, and Rian playing with the Little People Nativity

What a riot it was trying to get these girls seated, smiling, and looking for a picture.

Ellie, self proclaimed guard of Mr. Snowman, was not allowing anyone close

Notice Ellie's hand still behind Kaylee. Ready to give her a nudge (or gentle shove, if you will) if she moved closer.

Distractions.....look at the fun reindeer!

...and they fly too!

********the end********
I usually hate making sugar cookies (the mess and time commitment) but this year was different. The kids were out of school (which meant Brad was home all day too) and we never even changed out of our jammies! Heaven! They tasted so yummy too.


We went sledding the same day that we made the cookies......and didn't even have to go far. Right in our backyard. The hill wasn't big, but we still had fun!

Ellie loved being outside with the kids instead of cooped up inside and watching from the window.
...typical Ellie expression.....she really was having fun though


  1. LOVE Tanner's sledding picture. Pure joy on his face. And Ellie's "typical" expression face, ha ha ha. You have some darn tootin' cute kids! Christmas was awesome and I'm glad it was such fun this year.

  2. What a fun time...I want some more of those sugar cookies! These are the types of posts that make me excited to be staying at home with kids. Not that every day is cookie making and sledding but they are highlights! Cute pictures, cute blog, cute everything....I LOVE it :)
    This is Callie BTW...but I didn't want to change out of Brian. So Lazy I know.

  3. Apparently I was signed in as me...computers are so tricky. :)

  4. I'm so glad you made those sugar cookies too. :) They were delicious. You are so lucky to be able to go sledding right in your backyard! It looked like they had fun. I love that picture of Tanner and Meagan on Christmas Eve. Very photogenic! Your family jammies pic was so cute, blurry and all, it was great. :) Give them a hug and kiss for me.

    I saw your video of Christmas Eve morning on your photobucket album. I LOVED all their reactions and Tanner's "holy crap". Oh fun times. What a good Christmas!

  5. Yum...I love sugar cookies too! Glad you all had a great Christmas! Your kids are growing up way too fast!!

  6. love, Love, LOVE the matching jammies on the youngest baby girls!! Absolutely DARLING ;)
