Sunday, January 31, 2010

Better late than never

I've procrastinated this post long enough. It's about time I just hunker down and get er' done!

Ellie enjoying a new chair....and chocolate!

Tanner is happy with Santa's loot

Meagan - all smiles!

Lindsay, excited about a new brush! Go figure.

Opening their American Girl dolls

I realized after I downloaded all the pictures that I never got one of the bicycle he got for his birthday. This picture is his reaction to seeing his bike!

My big boy....4 years old! Ah.
Over Christmas break we went bowling in Brigham City with my side of the family.

Typical Ellie scowl.....what a grump.


Tanner - nice form.

Oh dear - he's posing. Can you tell he is surrounded by sisters.

We went to Bear Lake to celebrate the New Year and spend time with Brad's side of the family. The New Years' Eve party is always so much fun.....and very loud!

What a cheeser!



3...2...1...Happy New Year!!!!!

LOL! Did I mention the celebrating gets a little loud?

I'm taking the picture and Tanner fell asleep while watching a movie earlier, so he missed out on the first family picture of 2010. Ellie was is no mood to stay up and ring in the year.


  1. Glad to have ya back. ;) Only teasing...because this post WAS AWESOME! Such fun pictures and I love the Christmas morning moments you captured. Tanner's big grin, and Ellie sitting so dainty on her chair. So much fun. Love G-pa Matthews "ear plugs" and super cute picture of the family at your New Year's celebration. Man...we have some seriously awesome families.

  2. Doesn't it feel nice to finally get caught up! :) Your right, better late than never indeed. I was in desperate need of a Matthews family blog post! I loved Ellie's "morning look" on Christmas Eve, sitting so cute and her big cheeser on New Years Eve. Tanner "posing" is dang funny and dang cute! New Years Eve with the Matthews looks like a blast! I did have to laugh at Gpa Matthews too. Lol. I totally want to celebrate with hats and whistles one of these days. Looked like fun! Love you guys!

  3. I'm glad I was able to see you all over the break. You have adorable kids and they are getting quite big...does that make us getting older. :)

  4. What a great post! it was like having the fun all over again. The pics of Tanner's birthday reminded me again of how after each present he unwrapped asked if he could keep it. What a cutie. I can't believe how big Linds and Meagan are getting. What the heck--it seems like only yesterday I was coming up from Cedar to see my first niece! Great post and koodos for catching up!

  5. Your kids are so cute! Do you love how I stole your names (totally unintentionally...great minds think alike!) I love your haircut...super cute!
