Monday, January 30, 2012

a new low

I did something on Saturday night that I would've never thought I'd ever do.  I have no pride left in my 34 week pregnant self.  (I guess by saying "I have no pride" I've totally negated that, but you get what I mean).

Let me explain.

Brad and I had just pulled into Morgan from our date night (dinner at Javiers in Ogden - celebratory birthday dinner) and decided to run into the grocery store to get a few things for Sunday dinner and the necessities: bread, milk, and eggs.  The kids were still doing fine at home after a quick phone call to confirm that the house hadn't burnt down and no one was bleeding profusely.  We hustled (technically, I do not hustle, mostly waddle these days.......there was even a Front Row Joe parking spot but Brad wouldn't take it, he wanted to get more "steps" on his pedometer....another story, another day).  Anyway, we went into the store.  We didn't get a cart because, after all, we were only there for a few things.  We gathered our "few things" and found other "necessities" along the way that we piled into our arms.  Brad wanted to quickly grab some salad for Sunday dinner and I told him I'd meet him at the checkout....after all, my arms were full.  So as I'm walking towards the checkstands I see that frozen grape juice is on sale.  I couldn't pass it up.  I open the freezer door, pile 3 cans of juice on top of my things, smile to myself because of the good deal I got, and shut the freezer door.  That's when one of the grape juice cans falls out of my arms and to the floor.  Hmmm, shoot.  What will I do?  I can't bend over to retrieve it for 2 obvious reasons:

#1. my arms are full
#2. I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my arms full of groceries - can we all say "ridiculous" together?

So I did what any "no-pride-left-in-herself" woman would do.....

I kicked the grape juice can down the aisle. 

Oh yes.  I am so cool.

I just about got to the checkout stand when I saw a girl from my daughter's soccer team.  I kindly asked her if she'd pick up my grape juice can and deposit it back into my arms.  Thanks so much.  Not many 11 year old girls would blink an eye at the fact that you've asked them to do something like that.....and this particular girl didn't either.  Tender mercies?!

So there you have it folks - I am officially awesome.

I thought I'd throw in a picture so you can visualize along with the story.  I don't think I've taken any pictures of this its always good to document at least one, right?!

And just in case you're wondering.....I carry all my babies low.....but pregnancy #5 takes the cake. There is absolutely no muscle tone left in those regions after 4 previous babies.  He might just fall out any day.  Not really, but it looks that way! :)

34 1/2 weeks pregnant....and my little sidekick Ellie


  1. i officially love you - even more than
    i did before. :) you really ARE cool! don't forget it!

  2. Hahaha! Did anyone see you? They should have helped the poor pregnant lady out! You look great Jam! Just a few more weeks, yay! I bet Ellie loved taking pics with you.

  3. And what were you celebrating?!

  4. Tell me after you kicked the can you waddled up to the front yelling "GGGGGOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLL". That could only have made the situation all the more awesome! Glad no one was bleeding profeusely too. Sounds like a good night :)

  5. And you look super great! Love that Ellie is hanging out with you in the pic. What a great side kick. Plus let's be honest someone really is going to need to be there to catch that baby. One good sneeze and we'll be singing Happy Birthday!

  6. Oh Jamie I'm dying! But it WAS on sale so you couldn't just leave perfectly good juice lonely in the aisle! HA ha ha ha!

    You've created quite the little nook for Baby boy to rest in. He looks quite cozy like. You're looking fab and I can't believe your 34 WEEKS ALREADY!?

  7. Haha! Hilarious! And what the low? That baby IS going to fall right out, if you don't be careful. ;) You look fabulous! AND I can't believe you're already 34 weeks! I don't know about you, but for me, your pregnancy has gone rather quickly. ;) Hope all is well with your cute familia! Heather

  8. You look adorable! The last month is the worst..hang in there! I can't tell you how many times I don't get a cart for just a "few" items and then pile my arms full with 4 trailing children..what a sight. I've never kicked a frozen juice down the aisle, however! Love it!
