Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

This year we had Thanksgiving in Brigham City with my side of the family.  Once again, it was a delicious meal - one I look forward to more than any other meal during the year.  We have the traditional things like turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy but I absolutely love my mom's stuffing.  It is the best!  We also have shrimp salad.  It is definitely an acquired taste...and there are only a few takers, but it's tradition and I love it!  And you can't have a thanksgiving feast without sweet potatoes with butter, brown sugar, and marshmallows.  Yummy!

Suzanne brought a cute script for "The First Thanksgiving."  She has everything including adorable costumes for the kids.   They had so much fun acting it out.

Our version of the 1st Thanksgiving

The cutest pilgrims that I ever did see!


Dallin (with his amazingly awesome coonskin hat) helping Ellie not be so shy

Narrators: Meag and Josh


Thanksgiving Talent Show




Suzanne and boys singing a hymn.....cant remember which one

Sweet, loveable Allie

Kaylee - loving the attention

Rian - looking for her parents approval (they were sitting on the landing)

Ah. Shy Tanner

I'm a little impressed with this pic - go Ellie!


  1. I don't think I mentioned the amazing talent show in my post! How could I forget!? It was fun and Ellie's got skillz!

  2. hahaha I love that pic of Ellie. She's so awesome. What a fun day, you got some good pics. Thanksgiving 2011, pretty darn good.
