Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bathroom Remodel

Hallelujah!  We have finished the bathroom remodel!  This has been a project that I've been wanting to do for years.....literally.  I bought the tile 5 years ago and its been waiting patiently under my bed!  I think when I'm pregnant, all my "get-things-accomplished" hormones go into overdrive and I start projects.  (In all honesty, the last 2 times I've painted anything in my house have been when I was pregnant).  Crazy, but it is what it is.  And I got a new bathroom in the process.  But it was like pulling teeth to get my husband on board.  Let's kindly say that he's not what you'd call a DIYer. He did an amazing job with the tile work - with the help of his brother, Michael.  (THANK YOU!)  But I made him repeat the phrase, "I can do hard things."  He will not be impressed that I just aired that bit of dirty laundry! :)  Love you Hon!  Anyway, here are the before, during and afters:


The oh-so-fashionable countertop was my pride and joy!! Ha.  And need I say more about the maroon and navy blue flower patterened linoleum?  And I should have gotten a better picture of the baseboards...on the far wall there are 3, yes, 3 separate pieces of trim.  The wall only measures about 5 feet in that spot!  Very custom-made.

And the mirror.
Oh the mirror.

And superb outlet placement too!


Thanks again Michael - you saved us!

Brad wasn't too happy right about now.  He wouldn't even look up for a picture.  BUT, he was still trying something that was NOT (and still isn't) in his comfort zone. :)

The OH-SO-AWFUL Mistake!

So I had this grand idea for a color scheme.  Crisp white, with hints of navy blue and apple green. Cute right.  Well, just don't paint your cabinets blue!  As you can see, it was horrible! 
Right as I started I thought, "Hmm, I don't know about this."  But I kept telling myself, "Just get one coat of paint on and let it dry, then decide." 
How I wished I would've stopped then.  It would have saved me a bunch of time resanding the dang cabinets to get that awful blue off. 
I did have a good laugh about it after though.  Seriously, what was I thinking here?!


I am so pleased with everything!  I still need to get some decor on the wall, but that'll come.  I love, love, love my wall color.  And with so much white, the bathroom is fresh and "springy".

I added new hardware to the cabinets and love the look of them.  Simple and clean.

Once we moved the outlets down, we had more space for a bigger mirror.  And this mirror rocks my world!  It has made the biggest impact in the bathroom.  The bathroom feels SO much bigger!  And I can even see the back of my head when doing my hair.  It's a dream I tell ya!

I'm not usually a tools-type of girl, but I can handle a drill pretty good these days.  I added the toilet paper roll holder, hand towel holder, and all the hardware to the cabinets.  Yes, my 6 1/2 month pregnant body got down on my back to put in the drawer pulls on the two drawers that are fake (right beneath the sink).  ....yes, it was uncomfortable.  But I did it....."I can do hard things too!" :)

So there it is.  I think during every stage of this remodel, something didn't work or we had to do it another way than we thought, but we persevered.  (Sheesh, I make it sound like we climbed Everest or something!)  But, for us non-DIYers, I think we did a pretty bang-up job.


  1. I. LOVE. IT! It turned amazingly! Can't wait to see it in person. And you're right--that blue was Goose Peddler all the way. Ha ha ha. Nicely done Brad and Jamie...when do you guys start your new DIY show? :)

  2. You SHOULD be so proud of yourselves, both of you! It looks so great! I absolutely love the colors. I can't wait to see it in person. Seriously so impressed, what a lot of work! It is amazing!

  3. I can't believe you got rid of that counter top and linoleum...
    Congrats on a MAJOR accomplishment! I HATE that everything takes 5 times longer than you think it will. So to me, you might as well have climbed Everest, because I think the time and effort that went in to it is the SAME!

  4. It turned out so awesome! When can you come and "fix" my house?

    I love that it is so modern and springy. Ugh I am jealous :) but in a love you sort of way. totally okay to be that jealous.
