Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Things I've the last week or two

Throw up STINKS!  At all hours of the night and day.
Technically I didn't just learn knowledge of it was greatly reinforced.
Ran into the grocery story to grab 7-Up and a DVD rental for my sick boy....and didn't realize that I'd left the car running in the parking lot.
Nice going.  I should have left a note saying....Free Car for the taking!
I love soup.  All kinds.  It's comfort food.
Yesterday Brad reached into the trunk of the car to get something and the lid came down and bumped his head.  ouch.  Then he slammed the trunk in retalliation....but shut his finger in it.  double ouch, but kinda funny.
Carving pumpkins is NOT an appropriate child's activity.
Who thought that giving a kid a knife and telling them to cut away on something where they could slit their wrists was ever a good idea.
No injuries at our house, just a basket-case mom and dad.
The jack-o-lanterns turned out cute.....and scary.  Tanner definitely wanted scary.
It's time to vacuum out the couch in the basement again.
A couple days ago Ellie came up from the basement saying, "Marshmallows.  Yummy."
.....I haven't given her marshmallows for about a week.
We've been listening to Christmas music for over 2 weeks now. 
Super excited for the holidays.
The snow can stay until Christmas, but come January, I'M DONE!
I usually don't like surprises, but I make a BIG exception when that surprise includes my sister and neice visiting from Hawaii.
The Witches at Gardner Village are adorable.
Speaking of "adorable", Tanner randomly said the other day, "Mom, when I was a baby I was 'dorable.'" That made me smile.
I haven't been very good at using my camera lately.  I don't have one picture of my sister when she was visiting.
Fall soccer is over, and I'm kinda bummed. 
Glad to have my Saturday mornings back, but sad because I really enjoyed watching the kids.
Tanner and Ellie have control issues with one another.
Everything is a competition for them....who gets up the stairs first, who finishes lunch first, etc.
They are always nagging at one another.
Today, in settling an argument, Tanner tells Ellie, "No you can't, because you're not the bus."
He meant "the boss"
Lindsay (8 years old) is gaga over Justin Beiber.
Like really really gaga!
My kids have good friends.
That's a relief.
I have awesome neighbors.
I love my husband.
And he loves me back.
High school basketball season is just around the corner, and I can't wait!
I'm not reading anything good right now.  I need to go to the library.
Apparently sandwiches have genders.
Tanner asked for "girl (grilled) cheese" today for lunch.
Ellie promptly responded, "I want boy cheese."
I'm rambling.  A lot.
Have a great Halloween!

 Kaylee, Rian, Ellie, Tanner


  1. Oh Jamie! That Tanner and Ellie are too funny! And I did laugh at Brad...sorry Brad about the head and finger!

    Adorable pumpkins and Gooo Trojans! Send me a schedule so we can come to some of the games :)

  2. You are funny- I love reading this stuff! and I'm relieved I'm not the only one listening to Christmas music:) I'm gonna go make myself a boy cheese now!!

  3. I was going to play Christmas music today but I didn't have it loaded on the iPod. Ha ha ha...must run in the family.

    Couldn't stop laughing about the girl and boy cheese...and Brad. Ha ha ha.

    AWESOME pumpkins!

  4. Cute post Jam!!! Your kids make me laugh and I love hanging around your family. Endless entertainment!

    Loved the family pumpkin pics and Meagan's "peace" sign lol.

    What are you going to do with those two little ones? I know they drive you crazy, but they are dang funny! "'dorable" and "boy cheese"?...yeah, pretty cute!

    Glad Tanner is feeling better, just in time for the basketball season. Go Trojans! Better work on that temper before the season starts Brad. :)

    And don't worry about not taking pictures....I got tons!

  5. Hey Jamie, I just found you blog. I hope that's okay. I have to say I have been laughing at this post. Thanks for being human. It makes me feel way better about myself. I just found Easter candy in my playroom that's bad!

  6. Jamie I love your rambling and hearing about your everyday adventures! You have such an adorable family and I'm pretty sure I tell you that every time I comment on your blog! Will you guys play up here in Logan at all this year? I really want to come watch sometime. Maybe I'll just check the schedule.... :)

  7. Jamie, I just stumbled upon your blog. Cute family!
