Friday, April 20, 2012


I'm getting things out of order with my blog posts, but it's kind of par for the course these days. ;)

I thought I knew what I was doing with baby #5....after all, I'd already done 4 and how different could one more be?  HA HA HA!  Steven has thrown out my old manual of "How To Raise a Matthews'" and is re-writing the book.  He is completely different in every way:

Didn't get sick this time around (at least not very sick) :)
Tested positive for Group B Strep (which means I had to have 4 hours of antibiotics before I delivered)
My blood pressure went up for the last 4 weeks of being pregnant

Super awesome delivery but Steven broke his collarbone on the way out.....we didn't find out until a day later. :(

All my kids have been jaundice, but he had to be under the bili lights.....for 4 1/2 DAYS!!!
And what a wonderful 4 1/2 days that stress-free and relaxing. ha

Not that my other kids never cried, they did, but Steven takes the cake.

Dairy's the way to be
When Steven was a month old, I noticed a bit of blood in his poopy diapers.  Took him to the doctor and apparently Steven is intolerant of the dairy in my milk.  So for the next 6 months (at least) I get to be dairy free.  I was really bummed at first and I've never wanted a piece of cheese so bad in my life, but it's really ok.  There are a ton of things that I can use in substitution for dairy items.  Being dairy free has helped a lot with his fussiness too. 

With all that said we love this new addition.  He is starting to smile at us and it always feels good to have your feelings recipricated in a big smile!  I'm still a little unsure of who he looks like, but he's definitely one of us.  Here are a few pics (ok, a lot of pics) from the past month:

Look at those booties....adorable!

One of many pics where we try to get the perfect shot of his smile

Almost have it captured

Look at that adorable little chin

This expression is what we usually get out of him.
ha ha


  1. Love those smile pictures. Looks like we need to plan a play date so I can see this smile in person! Glad the dairy free has helped and I'm glad you haven't had to suffer too much with the new diet. :) Love all you guys!

  2. What a cute little guy! I am loving those smiles. Adorable!!!! It really is so great when they start showing you they love you back. Looking through these I really think he looks a lot like you Jam! I'm so glad Steven has joined your fam, fussiness and all! Total keeper. :)

  3. I can't believe how much he had changed in just a few weeks since we saw you at Josh's pool party! He is so handsomely adorable :) It's amazing what one little smile can do for a mom. Keep 'em coming Steven!

  4. join us and be dairy free.....:) Actually, we are not 100% but we do not buy milk and cheese, yoguart and cottage cheese, etc. Now of course, the kids make up for it at school, grandparents, going out to eat, etc. :) I am glad he is doing better. Maybe we are good with 4. :)
