Saturday, March 24, 2012

for his fans

Finally uploaded a few more pics.  Enjoy - we sure are!!! :)

1 week's never too early to be a Cougar ;)

2 weeks

My grandma knitted this hat for Tanner and now Steven gets to wear it too.
I absolutely love it....but it is a bit large....oh well, he'll grow into it.

Ellie wanted a turn in taking a picture.  She did a pretty good job....and captured the cross-eyes too. lol


  1. OH. MY. GOSH. Jamie, he's ABSOLUTELY DARLING!! The pic of him with the closed eyes smile = nearly put me in a baby coma! It made me ALMOST...ALMOST wish I wasn't done with squishy babies ;) SO, SO, SO CUTE!!

  2. Love all the cougar wear. He is so adorable I could eat him up with a spoon.

    Love the pics and keep 'em coming!

  3. You captured the cutest little moments! Dying over the cougar onesie. He is just perfect.

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE! He's changed so much since I last saw him...which was at the hospital! Can't wait to hold the little guy Monday.

  5. Congratulations! Another beautiful Matthew's baby! I can't wait to meet him. I checked day after day waiting to hear when the little guy arrived, so thank you for updating! I am sure you are loving him to pieces as well as the rest of the family. I miss you guys and hope all is well!

  6. He is so cute Jam!!! I love reading your posts!! Some of them are so funny, it makes me miss seeing you!! ESp the one where you were so pregnant and dropped something at the store, I wish i could have been there to laugh my head off and of course pick up the can. :) Hope you are doing good!!

  7. I will have to show my kids the pics of your baby in BYU stuff, they will LOVE it!! :)
