Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Coming March 2012

We have some exciting news......we are having another baby!  And today's ultrasound confirmed what I was pretty sure I already's a boy!  I'm due in the middle of March and I'm 16 weeks today.  We are really happy, and the kids are beyond excited for another brother.  I cannot complain about how I've been feeling.  A little tired, but nothing too overwhelming.  And morning sickness.....not a bit.  Okay, I've been a bit "gaggy" but I know I've been blessed in that department.  I've still been able to keep up my running and I think that's really helping me too. 

I just reread what I've written and it's really not all glitter and rainbows here, we struggle like all families, but I'm definitely counting my blessings with this pregnancy. :)  And it's kinda weird sharing this kind of information on my blog.  Well, just telling people for the first time is weird I guess.  Almost like you're having a regular conversation and then - BAM - a totally random statement enters the conversation.  Then there is that awkward pause.  ............anyway, let's get past that awkward pause gracefully, shall we?! :)


  1. Love me some baby news! Congrats! I'm sure he'll be another handsome fella. How'd Ellie take the news?

  2. Oh BOY!!! So exciting!! It was so fun to see you guys at the reunion! Congrats again and I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes as easy as it has been going...every girl deserves at least ONE easy pregnancy, right???

  3. Can't wait to meet the little guy. Congrats again!

  4. Congrats Jamie and Brad. To help me get over the "gaggy" part I would chew gum. It seemed to help.

  5. Love me some more Matthews nephews, they are pretty darn awesome. :) Congrats guys!

  6. Congrats you guys!! I'm so glad you're feeling good, it makes such a huge difference. And I'm also jealous you already know, I still have to wait a week and I'm due before you! :(
