Friday, November 9, 2012

a day late and a dollar short

Let's face it people....I'm behind.  Just when I think I'm almost there, my world tips (or I trip over my own two feet) and I'm scrambling to get caught up again.  Not just in blogging terms - daily life!  Laundry never stops, mouths still need to be fed (apparently Halloween candy is not considered a good meal choice), and bodies need to be bathed.  I love it, I really do, but sheesh - can't a girl catch a break?  I know I'm preaching to the choir on this one - we're all in this together!!

Here are a few pics in no particular order:

Missed a tackle and took out the trampoline spring and bar.  Ouch. 
October 2012, Tanner 6 yrs old

Steven, 8 months

Steven, Horse
Lindsay, Fairy
Ellie, Dorothy

Tanner, Luke Skywalker......minus his light saber that he couldn't find

Ahhhhh shucks he's cute!

......"now get me out of this darn thing!"

To say that Steven likes hair is putting it mildly.  The first thing he does when he gets picked up is throw his hand to the back of your neck and grab on.  Sometimes you want to scream in pain and sometimes its like this picture: gentle and soft.  What a cutie pie.

8 months old

Ellie, 4 yrs old

1 comment:

  1. OUCH to Tanner. That looks painful.
    The costumes looked super cute. And nicely done on the pumpkin carving.
    And those pictures of Steven are ADORABLE! Those eyes are killers.
