Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Steven David Matthews
March 8, 2012
3:13 am
8 lbs 5 oz
21 inches

5 days old

just a couple hours old

1 day old baby Steven and 2 very tired parents

Not the greatest picture but he is such a hairy little guy.
I love it!!!

Sleeping so peacefully in his bili-bed.  A miracle picture actually - he HATES that bed!!!

I love this picture because it shows off all his chub-a-lub.
I mean look at those arms, his neck, and his cheeks!! 

Pretty much the same picture but I loved this one too - the shiny blue thing behind him is the bili-blanket that he has to be with 24/7.  Poor little guy.  But he does pretty good with it.

In another post, on another day, I'll tell his story, but right now I'm exhausted and lucky to have even posted these pictures.

We are loving our little baby!


    I've been anticipating this post ;) So glad all is well . . . hope you get some sleep soon!

    p.s. how did you fit all that baby in there?!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. He is SO adorable! Glad he's here & healthy. Congratulations Matthews family! Can't wait to meet the little guy. xo Heather

  3. OHHHH I JUST LOVE HIM! He is VERY CUTE! Congrats :)

  4. He's so adorable and I need to hold him this very instant! Sorry about the bili blanket and bed. Such a terrible way to start a newborn's life isn't it? Oh well...he'll be tan just in time for spring break. ;)

  5. Love that 5 day old pic!!! Seriously he's the cutest! I am dying at the hair on his leg. What a man! I need to come see you ASAP.

  6. OH I just want to squish him up to my cheeks and give him a good nibble. He's uber-duber adorable!

  7. Congratulations!! He is adorable and my girls are loving the pictures too. Send some kids this way if you ever need a break.

  8. Congrats! He is such an adorable little guy!

  9. Congratulations!! Garrett had a bili-suitcase...that was strange. He is so adorable!! i am so happy for you, hope you are doing good and figuring out life with 5 kids!
